Bulge Blog

Where to Buy Packers and STP Packers Outside North America

Posted March 30, 2013

Packers for sale outside North AmericaMany of the most popular websites that sell packers are located in the U.S.A. Several of them will ship packers Internationally but unless you're also in North America getting a packer shipped to you could cost quite a bit more than the packer itself. If you want to pay less shipping fees then the solution is to find a vendor located closer to where you live. Here's the beginning of a growing list of packer and STP packer vendors and manufacturers located outside of North America.


FTM Downunder - Currently the only Australian FTM retailer for transmen and those exploring the male side of the gender spectrum.


The Bros Store - Binders, packers and accessories.


Transtore.com - Binders, packers, packing underwear, sex toys and accessories.


FTM Shop Colombia - Packers, prosthetics, boxers & jockstraps, chest binders and more.


TransToy.de - Packers, STP packers, harnesses, chest binders and sex toys.


FTMshopping.it - Hand-crafted multi-use packers, boxers, binders and harnesses.


Lovemouse - Specializing in items for trans men, genderqueer and cosplay folks. Since 2012.


Your Trans Shop - Packers, STP packers, harnesses and chest binders.


FTMprosthetic.ru - Packers, STP packers, Pack & Play packers, new prosthetic for those who have had Metoidioplasty, packer underwear and binders.


Peecock Products - Established makers of packers, STP packers and 3-in-1 prosthetics for trans men.

The Netherlands

Danaë - Mr. Limpy packers, plus handmade prosthetics from Amsterdam. Ffree shipping to Benelux, Germany and England.

Stores that will ship packers Internationally:

Good Vibrations – Sailor Soft Pack, Private Silicone Packer

Babeland – Mr. Right packer

Fleshlight - Mr. Limpy packer

United Kingdom

F2M Direct - Binders, harnesses and prosthetics.

Pure Gender – Packers, STP packers and devices.

Uber Kinky - Packers, packing straps and underwear, STP devices and STP packers.

UrinAll – STP Packers, STP devices and parts. Ships worldwide except USA and Canada.


Stand to Pee.vn - Packers and STP Packers.

Do you know of another website based outside North America that sells packers and STP packers? Please leave a comment below.

Last updated: 02/28/19

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